Super Clean oxford Logo

Super Clean oxford

About Us | Professional Commercial Cleaning Experts, Oxfordshire

Who is Super Clean oxford?

Our services include window cleaning, pressure washing, graffiti removal, external building cleaning and solar panel cleaning. In addition to window cleaning we offer a range of solutions to clients, including pressure washing, solar panel cleaning and high level access. Based in Oxford, Super Clean South Ltd provides an efficient service across the Midlands and the south of England.

This company is:

Service provider

Oxford, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Products & services of Super Clean oxford

Product Solar Panel Cleaning | Super Clean South Oxford image


Solar Panel Cleaning | Super Clean South Oxford

Is your business committed to sustainability? Have you installed solar panels with the aim to reduce your energy bills? Solar panels don’t require much in the way of maintenance, but manufacturers recommend to clean them once every six months to ensure optimal efficiency. For solar panel cleaning we use the Reach and Wash System as […]

Product High level Access | Super Clean South Oxford image


High level Access | Super Clean South Oxford

Hard to reach areas we reach easily. Our operatives are trained in the following areas: Rope access By using these techniques, our IRATA-trained operatives are able to access hard to reach areas with ease. This saves on costs as there is no need to erect scaffolding. MEWPS (mobile elevated working platforms) Our IPAF-trained operatives are […]

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Contact of Super Clean oxford

City: Oxford

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Super Clean oxford

The company Super Clean oxford is located in Oxford, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Super Clean oxford has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Super Clean oxford has it's main focus in the industries of Others